Food + nutrition lay the foundation for the work we’ll do together, but our work won’t stop there. Whatever your needs, we’ll work together to create a wellness plan that supports your entire wellbeing and I’ll be here to guide, encourage and support you every step of the way. Not only will you begin to have a healthier relationship with your food, but also with yourself.

I’m here to help guide and support you and give you all the resources you need to become the happiest, healthiest you!
- How to create a healthy relationship with food while reducing your dependency on sugar and curb your cravings
- Tools to help manage stress and anxiety (i.e. meditation, mindfulness, gratitude practice, breathwork, etc.)
- Easy, healthy and delicious recipes to add into your daily routine
- How to properly stock your pantry and plan-prep-cook healthy meals for the week
- How to make good, better, best choices when eating out or purchasing pre-made food items from the counter or salad bar
- How to read + understand food labels
- What foods, supplements and lifestyle shifts will work best for your unique needs
- How to create more time and space for self-care
- (2) 50-minute phone sessions per month to discuss your wellness goals, challenges, and successes (having 2 weeks in between allows you time to integrate what we’ve discussed)
- A follow up email after each consultation containing some or all of the following:
- A summary of everything we discussed during our session
- Weekly assignments with tangible steps to help you reach your goals
- Customized wellness information making your transition to a healthier lifestyle easy + sustainable
- Recommendations for healthy lifestyle shifts
- Simple, seasonal recipes (can be customized for those with allergies or sensitivities)
- Unlimited email access
- Lots of love & encouragement for your wellness journey!
Most popular is my 3-month program for $1050 if paid upfront or $375/month if paid monthly. I can be paid via Venmo or PayPal.
If you need additional support, I also offer private cooking classes in your home, kitchen resets/cleanses to clear out any old and unhealthy items from the pantry and replace with practical alternatives that work better toward achieving your health goals, and farmer’s market & grocery store tours to help you make good-better-best decisions when shopping. Please inquire regarding pricing.
Contact me at: briana@foodbybri.com for your free 30-minute consultation and then let’s get you started!

While we all have unique constitutions with unique needs, there are a few things most of us can do to easily create a foundation for wellness in our lives. Whether it’s as simple as drinking more water, understanding the proper amount of protein, vegetables and fiber we need each day, or creating more time + space for a self-care practice, I’ve got it covered. No need to get overwhelmed and confused by the amount of conflicting wellness information out there. I will simplify it for you and give you a cheat sheet you can take home to begin incorporating some (or all!) of these steps into your daily life one by one.
If you would like to host a workshop at your home, office, yoga studio or wellness clinic, please contact me. I can customize topics to suit your needs.
Cost is $250 (including travel + materials) / 90 minutes. Minimum of 6 attendees.