“It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort. And when you bring that effort every single day, that’s where transformation happens. That’s how change occurs.” ~Jillian Michaels
As a nutrition + lifestyle coach, I’m here to guide and support you on your path towards better health & wellbeing. I’ll work with you to begin making small, incremental shifts in your diet and lifestyle choices that will ultimately lead to healthy habits that last a lifetime. I’ll help you find what works best for you and your body, while also helping you make good-better-best choices for your family.
Making these kinds of life changes can sometimes feel overwhelming but I’ll help you make them with ease. I’ll be there every step of the way giving you all the emotional support and encouragement you need while also holding you gently accountable to following through on your goals.
While food and nutrition form the foundation of my programs, I also understand that our overall wellbeing goes beyond just the plate. Finding ways to bring more joy and happiness in our lives, learning to love and appreciate ourselves more, and creating time and space for the people, places, and things that nourish us are just as important as what we choose to put in our bodies. Additionally, practical questions like “Can Induction Cookware Be Used On An Electric Stove?” are also addressed to help you make informed choices in the kitchen that support your healthy lifestyle.

My Blog

Coconut Arborio Rice Pudding Recipe - Stephanie Prida

4 Steps for Coconut Rice Pudding

As the evening breeze carries the scent of blooming flowers through the window, there’s a comforting thought of ending the day with a dessert that’s both soothing and indulgent. Coconut…

Summer Corn Zucchini White Bean Soup - Aberdeen's Kitchen

How to cook Summer Vegetable White Bean Soup

As the sun reaches its zenith and the days stretch long and languid, there’s an undeniable allure to the vibrant bounty that summer brings. The markets brim with a kaleidoscope…

The Best Superfoods to Spice Up Plain Oatmeal - Sunburst Superfoods

How to make Spiced Superfood Oatmeal

On a crisp morning, there’s a certain kind of magic in the first bite of a warm bowl of oatmeal. It’s like a gentle hug for your insides, an embrace…

Sunflower Seed Basil Pesto - The Schmidty Wife

How to make Raw Sunflower Pumpkin Seed Pesto

In the heart of a bustling kitchen, amidst the clatter of pots and pans, there lies an opportunity to create something truly vibrant: Raw Sunflower Pumpkin Seed Pesto. This dish…

Summer Squash Soup with Coconut | Naturally Ella

How to make Late Summer Squash Soup

As the sun begins to dip a little earlier each evening and the air takes on a subtle crispness, the kitchen becomes a haven for celebrating the transition from summer…

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